
April 4, 2024

Citrus blooms happened overnight. At least, the navel orange seemed to explode in the last 24 hours. The smell is amazing. I worry that the coming cold front, with its wind and rain, will knock down some of the buds. The bees seem do not seem to be bothered with it, though. 


It’s been a while since I had some wine. No wine since Christmas, as I’ve been trying to cut sugars out of my diet. I didn’t do “dry January” or cut out alcohol altogether. Instead, I’ve moderated my alcohol consumption considerably since the holidays. 

Over the last four months, I've lost almost 10lbs and I sleep much better than I have in the past. Maybe I should try going sober. From everything I have read, and from the stories friends have told me, cutting alcohol consumption entirely can be life-changing. Meanwhile, I'll let that idea of participating in a long-term cleanse ferment for a while.