spring break

Spring Break 2019

This year feels different. Not sure why. Possible reasons include: 

  • missed LEAD3 this year 
  • finalized my application for an EdD program
  • sore muscles from the DIY project I started today

I really enjoyed LEAD3 symposium last year in San Francisco, and I was disappointed to miss this year's event in Universal City. Next year, I'm not sure if there will be any district funding to make it happen but I may just pay my own way. 

Now waiting to hear if I've been accepted into a doctorate degree program, and decided it was time to redesign the spare bedroom, make it into a real office. If I'm going to be working on an EdD for the next three years, I need a real workspace. 

Ripped out the carpet and padding today. New flooring tomorrow. Then, a trip to IKEA later this week. 


Started a new pocket notebook today. A few colleagues asked why I used an analog system. Maybe they thought it was odd that the "tech teacher" doesn't prefer Google or some fancy app to take notes. 

I've tried many of them, and they have their merits. But, there's just something satisfying about pen/pencil and paper. It's more intentional, and it's far less distracting. 

A computer is a Lite-Brite® for bad ideas.    

Pixels just don't give me that same kind of feeling. For years, I have kept two pocket notebooks going: one for home and one for work.  

Each notebook serves a specific purpose. The home notebook serves as a personal journal. I record a few lines a day. Some people call that a diary. Some call it a memorandum. I tend to think of it as a source for reflection. It helps me distill my thoughts, and assists me in tracking events.  

The work notebook contains a linear series of notes, lists, to-do items, and reminders. It follows me most places, and keeps my current. 

It never needs recharging. It never needs a software update. And, it's relatively inexpensive. That's my simple process. 

to-do lists

  • How do you manage your email account(s)? 
  • Do you check it regularly, or when you get an alert? 
  • Do you have your work email on your phone? If so, do you use a stand-alone app or do you mix your work and personal email accounts on one app? 
  • Do you feel like there’s an expectation that you’ll be checking your email outside of your regular office hours/work days? 

These are questions I’ve been asking other teachers lately. Perhaps I’ve been thinking a lot about email (and management) because I’m on every almost email list and group in our district. And, I often feel obligated to read them in real time. Even on weekends. 

To wean myself off the work email habit, I’ve started deactivating my work email account on the weekends. I’ve been doing this for several months now. It’s been surprisingly easy. At least, I haven’t missed anything important—nothing that couldn’t wait until Monday morning. 

And, no one has complained. I’m thinking that next school year, I’m going to set office hours on my work email account. Banker’s hour’s. I’ll still keep my analog lists, or course. 

best practice

If everyone is doing it, "best practice" is only mediocre. 

The phrase "best practice" has resurfaced again. At least, in the circles I travel the phrase seems to be cropping up with regularity. This surprises me, since I thought it had dies a slow death.  

Best practice had its glory days a few years ago. It was all over twitter, and it haunted every public school PD session I attended. I wondered where it originated, but a Google search wasn't much help. As a former dot-com employee, the phrase seemed like something shouted across the cubicle farms and communal dining centers. There was always a phrase of the week/month that dotcom managers liked to promote...and best practice sure sounded familiar. 

I was delighted to see that wikipedia includes a critique of the phrase. It comforts me to know that I'm not alone in despising the phrase best practice. That entry even offers a more intelligent alternative: contextual practice

This makes sense to me, because every situation is different. Every classroom is different. Most importantly, every student is different. Let's put this into context. See what I did there? 


Just like a dog, I know what I am doing but I can't explain my methodology.