march 2025

The view from the office window sometimes reminds me that I shouldn’t take things for granted. It reminds me to see the beauty in simple things, small things, moments.

I caught myself staring out the window when I arrived to work this morning. And, it made me pause. It encouraged me to appreciate some of people in my life, and some recent events. 

I don’t want to go into detail about those people and recent events that fluttered through my mind this morning. But, maybe this quote sums it up:  

Life is inevitable. Suffering is optional.


March 1, 2023

First sunny day here in week. Too bad it’s been accompanied by strong winds and a freeze warning. 

The freesia in the backyard is budding. At least there are some signs of Spring. 

Some of the succulents in the backyard suffered some major frost damage this past month. Sadly, I don’t have enough room for all of them. The workbench in the printshop is already crowded with succulent planters. 


Now that Daylight Savings Time is upon us, I began thinking about change. This morning, on a long walk, I reflected back on what has happened these last couple months.

Like many people, the pandemic has changed my routines, my priorities, and my sense of normalcy. Yet, that is not necessarily a negative change. The things I took for granted have a renewed sense of meaning. And, priorities have been replaced with healthier options in both the physical and mental sense. 

In late January, I became eligible to receive the COVID immunization due to my position in education. Pfizer was the only option, as all the Modern vaccines appointments were slotted by the time I logged in to schedule my appointment. To be honest, I did not care which vaccine I received...I just wanted to stack the odds against contracting COVID, especially with the changes at school.   

The district has returned to a traditional schedule, and eliminated the hybrid model. And, it will be interesting to see how the 2021-2022 school year plays out. The online school model will run through this year, but it will be interesting to see if the online learning model continues to be an option for students/parents in the coming years. 

My doctoral program continues, under an online model. And, I continue to reflect on my priorities to finish the program, examine career opportunities, and return to the print shop. ⟳