bomb cyclone

The weather nerds are hyped about the bomb cyclone that formed off the coast of Washington state. And, they’re pretty certain that it will produce an atmospheric river here in Northern California. Rain all week, according to the forecast. 

It has rained most of the afternoon here. A slow, soaking rain. Yesterday, I brought some of my succulents inside. Even put in a grow bulb to keep them happy. I kinda like the blue hue to the light. 


April 4, 2024

Citrus blooms happened overnight. At least, the navel orange seemed to explode in the last 24 hours. The smell is amazing. I worry that the coming cold front, with its wind and rain, will knock down some of the buds. The bees seem do not seem to be bothered with it, though. 


Took this image this morning before sunrise. Orange buds about to break, just a few days into Spring. Rain on the way this weekend, just in time for Spring Break. 


morning commute and office view of the sunrise