In many of the this week's required readings (for my doctoral program), I saw the word typology printed often. Several texts contained the word, and the use of typology irked me.
The word typology sounds like typography to me. Typography is a passion of mine, and the similarities between the words leads me to think of the archaic Times New Roman 12pt, double-spaced standard for all college level work. It is a boring, default font and clearly demonstrates a lack of aesthetics.
And, then there is the bothersome requirement of two spaces after a punctuation mark. Jennifer Gonzalez, author of Cult of Pedagogy, does a beautiful job of explaining why the two spaces are no longer necessary. She sums up my feelings about this issue far more eloquently and politely than I might be able to do.
ty·pol·o·gy [/tīˈpäləjē/], noun : a classification according to general type, especially in archaeology, psychology, or the social sciences.
*definition & image: Google![]()