Transformative Learning Theory [TLT]
Mezirow's 10 Phases Transformative Learning.
Just getting started on this book. I've got some notes (pictured above), and I've been reviewing connections to the past class on the ethics of a scholar-researcher. Tying to make connections to previous texts, and to my own life. Looking for that "disorienting idea" that is necessary to start this 10 phase process.
One of the texts suggested writing as an impetus of change. Perhaps I should continue to write more autobiographically.
K.G. Willink and J.M. JacobsThis intersubjectivity, or the internal conversation with our different self-positions, which is made possible by writing creates a fluid space in which thoughts change and hence a fertile ground for transformation.
key words/phrases from other texts:
- personal transformation
- transformative pedagogy
- experiential learning
- self as relational
- care and intersubjectivity
- relational, dialogic pedagogy