
Causation does not mean correlation. Just because two things seem to be connected, it doesn't mean they are. Further, one thing does not necessarily cause the other.   

Think about this. Statistically, when ice cream sales go up, home burglaries go up. Does this mean that by purchasing a scoop you are enabling home break-ins? Of course not. 

People naturally buy more ice cream in the summer, when the average daily temperature is on the rise. And, maybe there is a higher number of homeowners who vacation during the summer. Burglars prefer an empty home, and many homes are temporarily empty in the summer when families go on vacation. See how two things can seemingly be connected but do not necessarily create the other? </rant>


Still have some navel oranges on the tree. And, I still need to harvest the rest of my citrus. But, not today. I just watched the 49ers go down in flames against the Eagles. Now, I’m watching the Bengals (hopefully) beat the Chiefs. 
*image edit via VSCO layers filter 


Current view. Working on my research for the literature review, dissertation chapter 2. 


Thinking about the principle of loss aversion: the notion that we tend to fear losses more than we desire gains. I need to keep this in mind when considering different options and risks, especially when it comes to completing my dissertation. 

Sometimes the most dangerous thing you can do is play it safe.