Some random thoughts*
- "In Math class, students hold a pencil. They may hold that same pencil in English, but what they’re asked to produce, how they’re trained to think and question – look different. In neither class is the pencil the focus." In computer science, the computer is the pencil. And just like we don't foster "pencil literacy" perhaps we shouldn't be talking about "digital literacy, but much more specific ways of doing, learning, living, and thinking...
- I don’t remember where I first heard it but “The output of a system is the purpose of that system.” is one of the most thought-provoking things I’ve come across in recent years, often in a very uncomfortable way. It made me look at the harmful results of systems not as accidents or imperfections to be fixed but as intended, or at least tolerated outcomes. e.g., An economy that has homeless people is at least in part designed to make some people homeless.
- “Blocking someone means you’re just afraid of what they are saying.” Listen, I put garbage in the dumpster, but that doesn't mean I'm scared of garbage. It means it’s rank and I don’t want it in my house.
- You either die a hero or live long enough to become the Terms-and-Conditions bad guy.
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, especially in relation to completing my dissertation.There is this adage called Hofstadter's Law which says it always takes longer than you think it's going to take. Even when you think it's going to take a long time. Even when you take Hofstadter's Law into account.
Another weekend spent in the backyard. And, I do not feel guilty about it. This is my last full weekend of summer break. While I do not have to report to campus until August 7, per contract, I will be going into the office later this week. Hopefully, it will provide a smooth transition into the clown show that is public education.
On a happier note, I am really excited about this succulent planter. It almost died this winter, due to excessive rain and freezing temperatures. And while some of my succulents are getting sunburned in this 100℉ heat, these little plants are thriving. Makes me wish I had room for a greenhouse in the backyard. Some day.