more musings

Posted as a follow-up to my previous musings.

Don't trust the process. Learn to engage with it.

The path to success is a minefield. Keep the following in mind:  

  • Leadership is a team sport.  
  • Most of us (men more so) tend to be overconfident.
  • Memory is more often reconstruction rather than reproduction.
  • Our conscious short term memory is confined to 5–7 things at once.
  • Multitasking is subject to error.
  • We sincerely believe things from the past that are simply not true; we provide explanations of the past or the present that put ourselves in a good light, and others less so.
  • After a point, more information makes people less accurate than having less information (the overload problem).
  • We don’t like to make mistakes but we dislike even more admitting them.
  • Our best lies are ones that we firmly believe to be true.
  • Confidence may be negatively related to accuracy and in any case is no predictor that you have something right.
  • And worst of all, a lot of this occurs in our subconscious brain, so that ‘‘introspection alone will not help our vision, because it will simply confirm our self-justifying beliefs’’ (Tavris & Aronson, 2007, p. 44). 

Gather. Build. Protect.

✪ see the Dunning-Kruger Effect and Dunbar's Number