
But in the meantime all the life you have or ever will have is today, tonight, tomorrow, today, tonight, tomorrow, over and over again (I hope),

- Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls


Current tote bag/grocery bag. I like to keep a couple in rotation. 


About meetings

“All meetings are about finalizing meeting protocols.”

Is there a something different from Claude Shannon’s law to describe the ratio between actual discourse and discussions about the discourse? For instance, the time spent discussing meeting procedures rather than getting on with it. It’s different from noise.

See pp. 28-32 of the Simple Sabotage Field Manual, United Stated War Department, Strategic Services Unit. 

Claude Shannon’s Information Theory Explained

Claude Shannon first proposed the information theory in 1948. The goal was to find the fundamental limits of communication operations and signal processing through an operation like data compression. It is a theory that has been extrapolated into thermal physics, quantum computing, linguistics, and even plagiarism detection.