summer reading

Summer reading: several books on ethics, books on writing, & one dark crime novel by Norwegian novelist Jo Nesbø (for fun!).  

Not pictured: two more ebooks on researching and writing a doctoral thesis, along with one spiral-bound APA Publication Manual, 6th edition. 

#alwayslearning #nevernottired

Did I mention this is only the first half of the summer reading list‽ Here is a partial list of books I will be reading in the 2nd half of the summer:


I will also be reading one of the following books as part of a 5-week book study group:

But, wait...there's more! 

I'm sure there will be countless PDF articles, several ebooks, and videos with transcripts! I'll update this post once the syllabi for the next two classes become available later this month: Transformational Learning & Scholarly Writing/Style
