Teaching as educational, and what it means to be a teacher as an educator, is disappearing from the schooling landscape and instead being replaced by notions of outcomes, data and evidence void of context – without an educational telos, ‘a sense of purpose'
—CZESŁAW MIŁOSZ, translated from Polish by Czesław Miłosz & Robert Hass
October 1, 2023
Rearranged C’s room today. He didn’t seem to be too concerned. Now, to clean out his closet. That’s a job for a rainy winter weekend.
Crockpot chili and football this afternoon. I really should be writing my dissertation 🫠
Count That Day Lost
by George Eliot
If you sit down at set of sun
And count the acts that you have done,
And, counting, find
One self-denying deed, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went -
Then you may count that day well spent.
But if, through all the livelong day,
You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay -
If, through it all
You've nothing done that you can trace
That brought the sunshine to one face -
No act most small
That helped some soul and nothing cost -
Then count that day as worse than lost.