Gold Hill

First Saturday of Spring Break

Spent some time researching a local vintner, that also has a sister brewery. Because, science! Also, research. 

I wanted to check out the bud break. It's a thing. And, I have questions about this year's harvest outlook. 

Really, I wanted excuse to take the top off the Jeep and a conversation starter. I wanted to check in with the vineyard manager, as Mount Saint Joseph will be sourcing grapes from the foothills again this season. 

spring break

Spring Break 2019

This year feels different. Not sure why. Possible reasons include: 

  • missed LEAD3 this year 
  • finalized my application for an EdD program
  • sore muscles from the DIY project I started today

I really enjoyed LEAD3 symposium last year in San Francisco, and I was disappointed to miss this year's event in Universal City. Next year, I'm not sure if there will be any district funding to make it happen but I may just pay my own way. 

Now waiting to hear if I've been accepted into a doctorate degree program, and decided it was time to redesign the spare bedroom, make it into a real office. If I'm going to be working on an EdD for the next three years, I need a real workspace. 

Ripped out the carpet and padding today. New flooring tomorrow. Then, a trip to IKEA later this week. 


Started a new pocket notebook today. A few colleagues asked why I used an analog system. Maybe they thought it was odd that the "tech teacher" doesn't prefer Google or some fancy app to take notes. 

I've tried many of them, and they have their merits. But, there's just something satisfying about pen/pencil and paper. It's more intentional, and it's far less distracting. 

A computer is a Lite-Brite® for bad ideas.    

Pixels just don't give me that same kind of feeling. For years, I have kept two pocket notebooks going: one for home and one for work.  

Each notebook serves a specific purpose. The home notebook serves as a personal journal. I record a few lines a day. Some people call that a diary. Some call it a memorandum. I tend to think of it as a source for reflection. It helps me distill my thoughts, and assists me in tracking events.  

The work notebook contains a linear series of notes, lists, to-do items, and reminders. It follows me most places, and keeps my current. 

It never needs recharging. It never needs a software update. And, it's relatively inexpensive. That's my simple process.