
Things that make me chuckle: this primitive drawing seen on a middle school campus 


Website design can be a challenge. Take the Mosquito Bridge website, for example. El Dorado County has a nice header image on the landing page. Yet, to locate and read the updates, a user is required to scroll past bullet points and prior entries dating back to June 2022 in order to find an obscure link buried near the middle of the page. Worse, when they email alerts drop it includes a link to the landing page. 

At least the county is including images along the way. At least there's that. I am excited to see it come to completion, especially since it means that I will, one day in 2025, no longer be required to cross that rickety bridge in order to get to the property. The old bridge was "originally built in1867 and reconstructed on the existing foundations in 1939."   


Isn't that the truth? I've been thinking about this notion for a while now. As part of my dissertation research, I have given a lot of consideration to the idea of expediency and efficiency that results from technology. And, I have given a lot of thought to the "exponential time" that Klein mentions. Has technology created more time for us, or has it become a necessity? This image sums it up nicely.